Association for Recorded Sound Collections (ARSC)

ARSC Journal Index: Show all Records

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Author Title Resource  Type Access Volume Pages
Association for Recorded Sound Collections ARSC Bulletin, No. 46 (2011-2012) Bulletin Download
Association for Recorded Sound Collections ARSC Bulletin, No. 49 (2014-2015) Bulletin Download
Association for Recorded Sound Collections ARSC Bulletin, No. 42 (2007-2008) Bulletin Download
Association for Recorded Sound Collections ARSC Bulletin, No. 44 (2009-2010) Bulletin Download
Association for Recorded Sound Collections ARSC Bulletin, No. 45 (2010-2011) Bulletin Download
Brylawski, Sam; Maya Lerman; Robin Pike; Kathlin Smith ARSC Guide to Audio Preservation Guidelines Download
Hood, Mark ARSC Technical Committee Audiotape Tutorials Guidelines Download
Association for Recorded Sound Collections ARSC Bulletin, No. 47 (2012-2013) Bulletin Download
Association for Recorded Sound Collections ARSC Bulletin, No. 48 (2013-2014) Bulletin Download
Association for Recorded Sound Collections ARSC Bulletin, No. 49 (2014-2015) Bulletin Download
Association for Recorded Sound Collections ARSC Bulletin, No. 50 (2015-2016) Bulletin Download
Association for Recorded Sound Collections ARSC Bulletin, No. 51 (2016-2017) Bulletin Download
Association for Recorded Sound Collections ARSC Bulletin, No. 52 (2017-2018) Bulletin Download
Association for Recorded Sound Collections ARSC Bulletin, No. 53 (2018-2019) Bulletin Download
Association for Recorded Sound Collections ARSC Bulletin, No. 54 (2019-2020) Bulletin Download
Association for Recorded Sound Collections ARSC Bulletin, No. 55 (2020-2021) Bulletin Download
Association for Recorded Sound Collections ARSC Bulletin, No. 56 (2021-2022) Bulletin Download
Association for Recorded Sound Collections ARSC Bulletin, No. 57 (2022-2023) Bulletin Download
Masthead Journal Article Download 01:1  [Winter  1967-1968] [0]
Miller, Philip L. Editorial Journal Article Download 01:1  [Winter  1967-1968] 1-2
Hall, David The Edison Autograph Album at the Rodgers and Hammerstein Archives Journal Article Download 01:1  [Winter  1967-1968] 2-5
Jackson, Violette N. First Annual Conference: Business Meeting Minutes, March 10 Journal Article Download 01:1  [Winter  1967-1968] 5-12
Rosen, Ida First Annual Conference: Report of the Education and Standards Committee Journal Article Download 01:1  [Winter  1967-1968] 12-14
First Annual Conference: Events at Bloomington, Indiana Journal Article Download 01:1  [Winter  1967-1968] 15-20
Jackson, Paul T. Bits 'n' Pieces Journal Article Download 01:1  [Winter  1967-1968] [21-22]