Association for Recorded Sound Collections (ARSC)

ARSC Journal Index: Search Results

Author Title Resource  Type Access Volume Pages
Ashpole, Barry R.; Bain, Colin Beniamino Gigli: The Record of Prejudice Journal Article Download 30:2  [Fall  1999] 125-133
Brooks, Tim; Bowles, Garret H.; Weber, Jerome F.; Pelote, Vincent; Ashpole, Barry R. Formulating Guidelines for Discographies to be Published in the ARSC Journal Journal Article Download 30:2  [Fall  1999] 151-156
Gronow, Pekka Copyright and Reissues: The European Situation Journal Article Download 30:2  [Fall  1999] 166-169
Koltnow, Ronald Book Reviews: "Radio's Captain Midnight: The Wartime Biography" by Stephen A. Kallis Journal Article Download 31:2  [Fall  2000] 307-308
Fabrizio, Timothy C. Book Reviews: Reviews in Brief Journal Article Download 31:2  [Fall  2000] 315-318
Galo, Gary A. Sound Recording Reviews In Brief: Marston, Biddulph Journal Article Download 32:1  [Spring  2001] 139-141
Brooks, Tim Current Bibliography Journal Article Download 32:1  [Spring  2001] 144-163
ARSC Journal Highlights 1968-2000 Journal Article Download 32:1  [Spring  2001] 167-171
Brooks, Tim Current Bibliography Journal Article Download 32:2  [Fall  2001] 318-339
Galo, Gary A. Sound Recording Reviews in Brief Journal Article Download 34:1  [Spring  2003] 107-113
ARSC Journal Highlights 1968-2009 Journal Article Download 40:2  [2009] 341-347
Brooks, Tim Current Bibliography Journal Article Download 43:2  [2012] 324-343
ARSC Journal Highlights 2012-1968 Journal Article Download 43:2  [2012] 344-350
Sommerfield, David Developing and Selecting Cataloging Systems for Private Collectors: Part II Journal Article Download 28:2  [Fall  1997] 209-212
Gibson, Gerald D.; Charles J. Haddix Magnetic Tape Deterioration: Recognition, Recovery and Prevention Conference Audio Download 1996
Hoffman, Frank Researching Billy Murray: Problems Associated with a Biography Project Devoted to an Acoustic Era Popular Recording Artist Conference Audio Download 1996
Jackson, Reuben Go Down Gambling: The Claude Thornhill Orchestra's Last Days Conference Audio Download 1996
Katzman, Michael M. Louis Katzman: His Musical Life and Times Journal Article Download 45:2  [Fall  2014] 179-199
Peoples, Curtis The Only Mountain in Lubbock: A History of Analog Recording Studios in Lubbock, Texas Journal Article Download 45:2  [Fall  2014] 141-155
North, James H.; Tierney, Tom The Columbia Symphony Orchestra: An Exploration of the Recording History of a Phantom Orchestra Journal Article Download 45:2  [Fall  2014] 156-178
Brooks, Tim Copyright & Fair Use Journal Article Download 45:2  [Fall  2014] 200-204
Haskins, Rob Book Reviews: "Records Ruin the Landscape: John Cage, the Sixties, and Sound Recording" by David Grubbs Journal Article Download 45:2  [Fall  2014] 205-206
Scatterday, Mark Book Reviews: "Antal Doráti and His Recorded Legacy" by Richard Chlupaty Journal Article Download 45:2  [Fall  2014] 206-207
Bickley, Tom Book Reviews: "The Legacy of Cornelius Cardew," by Tony Harris Journal Article Download 45:2  [Fall  2014] 207-209
Wells, David A. Book Reviews: "Opera at the Bandstand: Then and Now" by George W. Martin Journal Article Download 45:2  [Fall  2014] 209-210