Association for Recorded Sound Collections (ARSC)

ARSC Journal Index: Search Results

Author Title Resource  Type Access Volume Pages
Sound Recording Reviewers Journal Article Download 45:2  [Fall  2014] 278-279
Brooks, Tim Current Bibliography Journal Article Download 45:2  [Fall  2014] 281-301
ARSC Journal Highlights 2014-1968 Journal Article Download 45:2  [Fall  2014] 302-308
Schurk, William L. Pistol Packin' Mama: Gun Totin' Wimmen in Popular Song Conference Audio Download 1996
Casey, Mike; Chris Lacinak The End of Analog Audiovisual Media: The Cost of Inaction and What You Can Do Conference Slides Download 2014
Moyer, Andy When Is a Junk Record Really Junk? Re-assembling Operas from the Acoustic Era Conference Slides Download 2014
Brooks, Tim Minstrelsy on Record Conference Slides Download 2014
Lotz, Rainer E. Nipper-Napping: Trademark Infringements on Gramophone Needle Tins Conference Slides Download 2014
Katzman, Michael M. Louis Katzman: His Musical Life From Vaudeville to BMI Conference Slides Download 2013
Smith, Jacob All Natural Discs Conference Slides Download 2013
Lotz, Rainer E. American Jazz Bands in the Weimar Republic: Shaping Style in the Diaspora and Unnoticed at Home Conference Slides Download 2013
Lane, Joshua Transcription of Archival Recordings from the Avant Garde Coffeehouse Conference Slides Download 2013
Schein, Allison; Patrick Seymour Preserving Chicago's Living History of Improvised Music Conference Slides Download 2013
Epperson, Bruce More Important than the Music: A History of Jazz Discography Conference Slides Download 2013
Biel, Michael From Laughter to Tragedy 50 Years Ago: The Two Most Unusual Christmas Record Seasons Conference Slides Download 2013
Blazek, Daniel Stand-up State of the Nation Conference Slides Download 2013
Lacinak, Chris; John Spencer; Charles J. Haddix Gimme Your Gigabytes: Digital Storage Options For Small Audio Archives Conference Slides Download 2013
O'Neal, Jim 12th Street & Vine: Kansas City Blues Conference Slides Download 2013
Gilley, Dawayne; Ken Shipley Numero-Eccentric Soul--The Forte Label Story Conference Slides Download 2013
Wood, Jessica Amplified Plunks: Recording the Harpsichord's Weakness in Postwar Exotica Conference Slides Download 2013
Kernfeld, Barry Surveillance Tapes from the Alabama Civil Rights Movement Conference Slides Download 2013
Sherk, Warren; Teague Schneiter Preserving and Disseminating Film Voices: The Academy of Oral History Program Conference Slides Download 2013
Fishman, Karen; Maya Lerman Not Just Talking to Myself: Studs Terkel's Music Interviews Conference Slides Download 2013
Pugh, Ralph Audio Files on the 'Voices of the Holocaust' Website Conference Slides Download 2013
Feaster, Patrick; Josh Harris; Chris Lacinak Inventory, Census, and Prioritization of Media Collections: Harris Slides Conference Slides Download 2013