Association for Recorded Sound Collections (ARSC)

ARSC Journal Index: Search Results

Author Title Resource  Type Access Volume Pages
Lewis, David N. Quodlibet for a Polymorphous Polymath: The Raymond Scott Collection at the Marr Sound Archive at the Miller-Nichols Library of the University of Missouri at Kansas Conference Audio Download 2009
Stapleton, Barry "The Melody That Made You Mine": Remembering Morton Downey Conference Audio Download 2009
Stapleton, Barry "The Melody That Made You Mine": Remembering Morton Downey Conference Slides Download 2009
Rooney, Dennis D. 1959: The First Full Year of the Stereo LP Conference Audio Download 2009
Biel, Leah World Premiere of For the Record Conference Audio Download 2009
Sager, David; Bill Mayhugh; Rob Bamberger; Larry Appelbaum; Rusty Hassan; Judith Korey; Michael Turpin Jazz in DC, On the Air: A Tribute to the Late Felix Grant Conference Audio Download 2009
Casey, Mike Scaling Up: Increasing Audio Preservation Efficiency Through Automation and Parallel Transfers Conference Audio Download 2009
Poretti, Rob From Ingest to Web-Site: Creating a Preservation Master and Automating On-line Access Conference Audio Download 2009
Lornell, Christopher (Kip); Jay Bruder Bluegrass, R&B, and the Rise of Independent Record Labels in Washington DC after WWII Conference Audio Download 2009
Carlin, Richard; Atesh Sonneborn; Andrea Kalin Worlds of Sound: The Story of Smithsonian Folkways Conference Audio Download 2009
Nolan, Dave Born Digital But Not Equal: A Survey of Digital Audio Formats, from Physical Media to Files Conference Audio Download 2009
Lacinak, Chris Strategies for Preserving Born Digital Audio Conference Audio Download 2009 
Gray, David Julian Reality vs. Perfection: Strategies for Preserving Born Digital Audio at National Public Radio Conference Audio Download 2009 
Lotz, Rainer E. Cross the Water Blues: Musical Archeology in Imperial Germany Conference Slides Download 2009
Bamberger, Rob Preview of the National Recording Preservation Board's Study on the Current State of Recorded Sound Preservation Conference Audio Download 2008
Karl, Brandy Saving Our Sounds (Legally!): Changing Copyright to Preserve Access to Audio Heritage Conference Audio Download 2008
Ayyagari, Shalini A New Way of Learning: The Use of Audio-Visual Media in Musical Learning Among Mangniyar Musician Community of Rajasthan, India Conference Audio Download 2008
Christensen, Lance From Discovery to Recovery: The Electronic Transfer of the J. R. Walker Native American Cylinder Collection Conference Audio Download 2008
MacLean, Neil; Mary Jean Robertson Recognizing the un-Recognized Conference Audio Download 2008
Smolian, Steven The Other Record Industry: Highlight from a Brief Survey Conference Audio Download 2008
Smolian, Steven The Other Record Industry: Highlight from a Brief Survey Conference Slides Download 2008
Moyer, Andy American Pocket Discs: A Little History on a Little Record Conference Audio Download 2008
Blood, George Bits is Bits, Right? Check again! Conference Audio Download 2008
Bittel, Aaron M. The iPod in the Archive, or The Potentials and Pitfalls of Consumer Technology as a Model for Preservation and Access Conference Audio Download 2008
Sapp, Craig Stuart Performance Authenticity: A Case Study of the Concert Artist Label Conference Audio Download 2008