Association for Recorded Sound Collections (ARSC)

ARSC Journal Index: Search Results

Author Title Resource  Type Access Volume Pages
Lawrence, Ava Rosetta Reitz: Rediscovering Women in Jazz & Blues Conference Audio Download 2005
Klinger, Bill In the Trenches: Surveying the Groove Conference Audio Download 2005
Ginell, Cary Pass the Biscuits, Pappy: W. Lee O'Daniel or How to Win an Election with No Substance But a Lot of Entertainment Value Conference Audio Download 2005
Strachwitz, Chris; Tom Diamant Independent Texas Record Labels and Their Role in Recording Vernacular Mexican American Music in the Mid 20th Century Conference Audio Download 2005
Shorkey, Clay Texas Music History and Collections in Austin Conference Audio Download 2005
Peoples, Curtis The Crossroads of Texas Music Conference Audio Download 2005
Oliphant, Dave Discography of Texan Jazz Conference Audio Download 2005
Johnson, Greg A Brief Introduction to the Sheldon Harris Blues Collection Conference Audio Download 2005
Gaidmore, Jay WRVA Radio: The "Voice of Virginia" Conference Audio Download 2005
Salerno, Joe A Tour of Nauck's Vintage Records Conference Audio Download 2005
Tefteller, John Sellin' the Blues: The History of Blues Advertising in the '20s and '30s Conference Audio Download 2005
Wheat, John Recorded Sound in the Center for American History Conference Audio Download 2005
Katz, Mark Recordings and Society: The Invisibility of Music in the Age of Recording Conference Audio Download 2005
Sarisky, Mark A Comparison of Software Based Digital Audio Restoration Methods Conference Audio Download 2005
Ducey, Mary Ellen; Peterson E. Brink Ben Botkin and Folklore of the Badman Conference Audio Download 2005
Barton, Matthew Folk Music on the Radio: Forgotten Roots of the Revival Conference Audio Download 2005
Biel, Michael Wann geht eer naechste Schwann?: A History of the Schwann Catalog Conference Audio Download 2005
Olson, Michael Preservation Metrics for Audio Collections Conference Audio Download 2005
Jacobson, Nancy A. Outlaw Country: Godfather to the Muzik Mafia Conference Audio Download 2005
Johnston, Peter Jimmy Giuffre: Unsung Avant-garde Jazz Composer and Improviser Conference Audio Download 2005
Heiber, Robert Correction of Wow and Flutter Artifacts: Theoretical Implications Conference Audio Download 2005
Cleveland, Susannah; Mark McKnight Rediscovering "Toscanini: The Man Behind the Legend" Conference Audio Download 2005
Brooks, Tim Sound Recording Reissue Practices Under Current U.S. Copyright Law Conference Audio Download 2005
Hawkins, Tim; Kristen Andersen; Joe Conway Naropa University Archive Project: Preserving, Reformatting, and Cataloging 20th Century American Literary Culture Conference Audio Download 2005
Prentice, Will The Gramophone Company in Central Asia: Social History Through Discography Conference Audio Download 2005