Association for Recorded Sound Collections (ARSC)

ARSC Journal Index: Search Results

Author Title Resource  Type Access Volume Pages
Prytherch, Evan DART Click Removal Program Conference Audio Download 1996
Salerno, Joe The Recordings of William Kapell Conference Audio Download 1996
Seaver, James E. Bad Records by Good Singers Conference Audio Download 1996
Smolian, Steven This Year in Audio Preservation Conference Audio Download 1996
Smolian, Steven The Audio Cassette: Our Stepchild Conference Audio Download 1996
Solovieva, Natalie L.; Strizhevsky, Serguey E. Recorded Treasures of Glinka State Central Museum of Musical Culture, Moscow, Russia Conference Audio Download 1996
Murphy, Patsy Stoneman Ernest V. Stoneman and His Family Conference Audio Download 1996
Weber, Jerome F. Lost Recordings of Gregorian Chant on Pathé Cylinders Conference Audio Download 1996
Wile, Raymond R. The Berliner Saga, Part 4: The Organization of the Universal Talking Machine Co. to the American Graphophone Suit Conference Audio Download 1996
Winner, Seth B. Audio Transfer and Restoration Techniques Employed in Pearl Records Ltd.'s "Keyboard Wizards of the Gershwin Era" Conference Audio Download 1996
Wright, Dick Historic Jazz on Record Conference Audio Download 1996
Biel, Michael Instantaneous Recording--the Development of an Industry: Twistin' the Dials, Part 4 Conference Audio Download 1997
Brooks, Tim The Fisk University Jubilee Singers: Their Recording History Conference Audio Download 1997
Diehl, David J. Discographical Challenges of Sub-rosa Recordings Conference Audio Download 1997
Fabris, Jerry Edison's Wax Cylinder Phonograph Debut: The Adventures of George Gouraud in 1888 Conference Audio Download 1997
Fabrizio, Timothy C. Gallery of Marvels: The World's Most Unusual Talking Machines and the Records They Played Conference Audio Download 1997
Dilg, Peter; Fisk Jubliee Quartet Wax Cylinder Recording Demonstration Conference Audio Download 1997
Fontenot, Kevin Davis' Salty Dog: Jimmie Davis' Victor Recordings Conference Audio Download 1997
Galo, Gary A.; Joseph Patrych; Dennis D. Rooney; Seth B. Winner ARSC Technical Committee: Digital Audio Preservation and the Future of the ARSC Technical Committee Conference Audio Download 1997
Holtin, Alice Y. Preview of the Statler Brothers Discography Conference Audio Download 1997
Ivey, Bill Creative America: The Report of the President's Committee on the Arts and Humanities Conference Audio Download 1997
Manildi, Don The Harry L. Anderson Collection Conference Audio Download 1997
Morrison, Craig Rockabilly by Country Singers in the 1950s Conference Audio Download 1997
Pomeroy, Doug Correction of Recording Speed Fluctuation: Charlie Parker at the Rockland Palace Conference Audio Download 1997
Schurk, William L. Air on a G-String: The Burlesque Show on Sound Recordings Conference Audio Download 1997