Association for Recorded Sound Collections (ARSC)

ARSC Journal Index: Search Results

Author Title Resource  Type Access Volume Pages
Smolian, Steven The Acoustic-Electric Transition: A Fresh Look Conference Audio Download 1997
Solovieva, Natalie L.; Tichomirov, Boris Music by M.I. Glinka on pre-1917 Labels from the Glinka Museum Collection Conference Audio Download 1997
Strachwitz, Chris Cataloging Peerless, Mexico's Oldest Record Company Conference Audio Download 1997
Velez, Sara Frederico Garcia Lorca and Music Conference Audio Download 1997
Biel, Michael History of Instantaneous Recording, Part II: The Lacquer Disc Conference Audio Download 1998
Devecka, Michael Orthophonic Machines and Records Conference Audio Download 1998
Diehl, David J. Call it Bootlegging But It's Legal: Eli Oberstein and the Coarse Art of Indie Record Production Conference Audio Download 1998
Fabris, Jerry The 1888 Wax Cylinder Recording of Thomas Edison's Voice: An Object Study Conference Audio Download 1998
Gibson, Gerald D. The Current State of Digital Audio Preservation at LC Conference Audio Download 1998
Gronow, Pekka Reissues and Copyright: The European Situation Conference Audio Download 1998
Katz, Mark Aesthetics Out Of Exigency: Violin Vibrato and The Phonograph Conference Audio Download 1998
Kaufman, Annette; Susan Harvith; John Harvith Memories of Louis Kaufman Conference Audio Download 1998
Klinger, Bill; Peter Shambarger; Seth B. Winner; Jerry Fabris; ARSC Technical Committee, Cylinder Subcommittee Cylinder Q & A Session, ARSC Technical Committee Cylinder Subcommittee Conference Audio Download 1998
Kluge, Mark A Matter of Record: Suits and Pseudonyms in the Early Days of LPs Conference Audio Download 1998
O'Brien, Robert J. The Invention of the First (?) Vertically-Mounted, Linear-Tracking Phonograph Conference Audio Download 1998
Paul, George Opportunity Lost: The American Graphophone Co. and Its Six-Inch Cylinders Conference Audio Download 1998
Reidy, Joseph; ARSC Fair Practices Committee Copyright and Sound Recordings in the Digital Era Conference Audio Download 1998
Sawka, Barbara; Jerome F. Weber; Garrett Bowles Preservation and Access: Archivists and Users Seeking Consensus on How to Achieve Mutual Goals Conference Audio Download 1998
Schurk, William L. Umbrellas and Parasols in Popular Song Lyrics Conference Audio Download 1998
Waggoner, Andrew; Daniel Godfrey; Dexter Morrill; Ann Silsbee Local Composers' Experiences with the Recording Industry Conference Audio Download 1998
Wodehouse, Artis Magnificent Frauds or Ghostly Performance Recreations? Piano Rolls: An Interim Report Conference Audio Download 1998
Ayala, Cristóbal Díaz Don't Sing Anything Dirty!: Early Recordings of Caribbean Music Conference Audio Download 1999
Beardsley, Theodore S., Jr. Latin Music in Chicago: Arlinda Records Conference Audio Download 1999
Bowles, Garrett; Susan T. Stinson; Brenda Nelson-Strauss; Ted Sheldon Associated Audio Archivists Session: What is AAA, New York Sound Recordings Workshops, Retention of Materials Related to Sound Recordings, Preservation Standards Conference Audio Download 1999
Breckbill, David Senta's Ballad on Records Conference Audio Download 1999