Association for Recorded Sound Collections (ARSC)

ARSC Journal Index: Search Results

Author Title Resource  Type Access Volume Pages
Debus, Allen G. Elsie Janis, the Sweetheart of the A.E.F Conference Audio Download 1999
Duxbury, Janell R. Rockin' the Classics Conference Audio Download 1999
Galo, Gary A. Furtwängler and Toscanini: Myth and Reality Conference Audio Download 1999
Harvith, John; Susan Harvith Interviews with Early Recording Artists, Engineers and Producers Conference Audio Download 1998
Kiefer, Peter T. George, Priscilla and Rosemary, Les, Johnny Scat, Milton and Fred: Hidden Gems in the Fred Waring Radio Program Recordings Conference Audio Download 1999
Leary, James P. Fieldwork Forgotten, or Alan Lomax Goes North Conference Audio Download 1999
Manildi, Donald The Rachmaninoff Legacy: Old and New Perspectives Conference Audio Download 1999
Mudge, Susanne; Emma Dederick-Colón Mounting Discographic Catalogs on the Web: Examples from the Latin American Collection Conference Audio Download 1999
Obert-Thorn, Mark The Philadelphia Orchestra's Centennial CD Collection Conference Audio Download 1999
Paul, George The Hung Groove: Stuttering on Early Recordings Conference Audio Download 1999
Rolfs, Robin; Joan Rolfs Nipper Centenary: A Live Nipper Interview Conference Audio Download 1999
Steiner, John A (Personal) History of Paramount Records Conference Audio Download 1999
Strachwitz, Chris The Small Labels of Southwest Texas and Northern Mexico Conference Audio Download 1999
Wile, Raymond R. The Organization of the North American Phonograph Co. Conference Audio Download 1999
Winner, Seth B., Gary A. Galo, Dennis D. Rooney, Joseph Patrych, David Seubert; ARSC Technical Committee ARSC Technical Committee Panel: CDR as Preservation Medium Conference Audio Download 1999
Winner, Seth B. Nothing in Moderation: An 80th Anniversary Tribute to Ernie Kovacs and His Use of Music on Television Conference Audio Download 1999
Galo, Gary A. Disc Record Equalization De-mystified Conference Audio Download 1996
Klinger, Bill U-S Phonograph Company: Cleveland and Beyond Conference Audio Download 2004
Nauck, Kurk; Allan Sutton; Michael Biel Designer Labels and the Modern Collector: or, A Systematic Approach to the Description and Classification of American Disc Record Labels Conference Audio Download 2000
Brylawski, Sam The Library of Congress National Audio-Visual Conservation and Digital Repository Conference Audio Download 2000
Crawford, Barrett Perpetuating the Artistry of Leonard Warren: A 15-Year Labor of Love Conference Audio Download 2000
Davis, Amy; Steve Weiss Preserving the Sounds of the South: The Artus Moser Collection Conference Audio Download 2000
Debus, Allen G. Jack Norworth: King of the Palace Conference Audio Download 2000
Fabrizio, Timothy C.; George F. Paul Augustus Stroh: The Forgotten Scientist of Sound Conference Audio Download 2000
Galo, Gary A.; Joe Patrych; ARSC Technical Committee ARSC Technical Committee, Part I: Digital Recording Techniques: A Refresher Course and Overview of Formats Conference Audio Download 2000