Association for Recorded Sound Collections (ARSC)

ARSC Journal Index: Search Results

Author Title Resource  Type Access Volume Pages
Biel, Michael Pre-History of NBC Chimes Conference Audio Download 2007
Bittel, Aaron M. Could Audio Archives Be the Next Hot Location for Field Research Conference Audio Download 2007
Burke, Brandon Wreck Up a Version: King Tubby, Dub Reggae, and the Roots of Sampling Conference Audio Download 2007
Ginell, Cary Milwaukee's Jack Teter: Get Hep & Get Happy! Conference Audio Download 2007
Klinger, Bill Archival Cylinder Box: An ARSC Design and Engineering Project Conference Audio Download 2007
Moloney, Mick Irish Americans in the Acoustic Era Conference Audio Download 2007
Shell, Niel Nathaniel Shilkret: A Most Prolific and Diverse Creator of Recorded Sound Conference Audio Download 2007
Sommers, Hannah Where Did You Find That?: How NPR and the CBC Audio Collections Support Engaging Non-Commercial Radio Programming - On Deadline! Conference Audio Download 2007
Yaco, Sonia The Potential for Use of Voice Recognition Software in Appraisal of Oral History Tapes Conference Audio Download 2007
Kolovos, Andy; Adrian Cosentini; John Spencer; Jon Dunn ARSC Technical Committee Roundtable: Small Scale Audio Preservation Storage and Management Issues and Solutions Conference Audio Download 2007
Bamberger, Rob; Tim Brooks; Sam Brylawski Copyright and Fair Use Committee Report on Recent Activities and Developments Conference Audio Download 2007
Carli, Philip Mechanical Music of the Rich and Famous: Orchestrions, Pittsburgh Plutocrats and Musical Culture Conference Audio Download 2007
Feaster, Patrick; David Giovannoni "For Private Edification and Instruction": Phonographic Indecency in the Victorian Age Conference Audio Download 2007
Hess, Richard L. Tape Degradation Factors and Predicting Tape Life Conference Audio Download 2007
Leary, James P. The Polkabilly Sound on Upper Midwestern Records Conference Audio Download 2007
Pomeroy, Doug How to Play a Record: A Method for Optimizing the Stylus/Groove Interface Conference Audio Download 2007
Ridgeway, Robert; Robert DeLand Automatic Musical Instruments: An Overview Conference Audio Download 2007
Winner, Seth B. CEDAR RETOUCH Conference Audio Download 2007
Bittel, Aaron M. Could Audio Archives Be the Next Hot Location for Field Research Conference Slides Download 2007
Ginell, Cary Milwaukee's Jack Teter: Get Hep & Get Happy! Conference Slides Download 2007
Shell, Niel Nathaniel Shilkret: A Most Prolific and Diverse Creator of Recorded Sound Conference Slides Download 2007
Feaster, Patrick; David Giovannoni "For Private Edification and Instruction": Phonographic Indecency in the Victorian Age Conference Slides Download 2007
Hess, Richard L. Tape Degradation Factors and Predicting Tape Life Conference Slides Download 2007
Rolfs, Robin; Joan Rolfs Phonograph Dolls & Toys: They Talk, They Sing, They Play Conference Slides Download 2007
Kowar, Helmut Sound Recording as a Tool for Musicological Research into Musical Automata Conference Audio Download 2007