Association for Recorded Sound Collections (ARSC)

ARSC Journal Index: Search Results

Author Title Resource  Type Access Volume Pages
Walker, Dave Five Decades of Folklife on Record: Documenting and Preserving the Smithsonian Folklife Festival Conference Slides Download 2016
Biel, Leah; Michael Biel; Paul Jackson; Tim Brooks ARSC at 50: A Look at Its Past and Its Future Conference Audio Download 2016
Laurence, Peter; Filip Šir Creating an International Bibliography of Discographies: Q&A Conference Audio Download 2016
Sheppard, Josh; Amanda Keeler; William Vanden Dries Progress of the Radio Preservation Task Force of the Library of Congress in 2015: Q&A Conference Audio Download 2016
Lobdell, Lisa; Phillip Ponella You Don’t Have to Kiss Me Goodnight: The Pros and Cons of Collaboration Among Sound Archives: Q&A Conference Audio Download 2016
Blood, George IRENE: Messiah or False Prophet: Q&A Conference Audio Download 2016
Kuhnle, Peter Digital De-emphasis Filters in Gramophone Recording Digitization: Q&A Conference Audio Download 2016
Lacinak, Chris Making It Happen: Planning, Funding and Implementing Large-Scale Digitization Initiatives: Q&A Conference Audio Download 2016
Frangakis, Evelyn Planning for Large-Scale Media Digitization: Q&A Conference Audio Download 2016
Casey, Mike; Andrew Dapuzzo Media Preservation at Scale: the Indiana University Media Digitization and Preservation Initiative: Q&A Conference Audio Download 2016
Green, Richard 20 Years (more or less) of the Virtual Gramophone: Q&A Conference Audio Download 2016
Šír, Filip; Iva Harova Checking Out Czech Records: A Model Gateway for Sound Documents or Just a Portal? (Questions & Answers) Conference Audio Download 2016
Nauck, Kurt; Mark Atnip The Cream Rises to the Top! - Treasures from 30 Years in the Vintage Record Business: Q&A Conference Audio Download 2016
Barton, Matthew The First History of Rock and Roll: Listening to the Past on Top 40 Radio in 1969: Q&A Conference Audio Download 2016
Fosler-Lussier, Danielle America’s Record Collection: The United States Information Agency and American Music Abroad (Questions & Answers) Conference Audio Download 2016
Paesky, Efrain; Cristobal Diaz; Celia Gomez Merritt Latin American Music Panel: Inter-American Musical Editions; Happy Birthday, Bolero!; The Tango and Its Recordings as a Mirror of the Social History of Buenos Diaz Conference Audio Download 1987
Beardsley, Theodore S. The Spanish Music Sources of Bizet's Carmen Conference Audio Download 1987
Frank, Mortimer H. Banquet Speech Conference Audio Download 1987
Crutchfield, Will Musical Performances Then & Now: The Recordings of Grieg and Saint-Saëns Conference Audio Download 1987
Porter, Andrew Musical Performances Then & Now: The Vocal Background to Pierrot Lunaire Conference Audio Download 1987
Creegan, George C. A Retrospective of Frank Guerrera Conference Audio Download 1987
Debus, Allen G. The English Music Hall Performer and American 'Big Time' Vaudeville Conference Audio Download 1987
Hutto, Edgar Fletcher Henderson Conference Audio Download 1987
Pengelly, Joe In the Beginning Was the Spoken Word Conference Audio Download 1987
Wile, Raymond R. Mystery at the Smithsonian Conference Audio Download 1987