Association for Recorded Sound Collections (ARSC)

ARSC Journal Index: Search Results

Author Title Resource  Type Access Volume Pages
McMillan, Jeffery S. Two Minutes of Perfection: The National Phonograph Company's First Grand Opera Series and Recording the Stars of the Metropolitan Opera Conference Audio Download 2017
Lewis, David N. When the Work's All Done This Fall: A Preliminary Pre-History of Western Ballads on Records Conference Audio Download 2017
Cavaglieri, Stefano S. Expert Transfer Techniques: A Special Focus on Mechanical Discs Conference Audio Download 2017
Kahle, Brewster; George Blood; Jessica Thompson Mass Digitization of 78rpm Records with the Internet Archive Conference Audio Download 2017
Holte, Rebecca Laying Tracks as the Train Approaches Conference Audio Download 2017
Casey, Mike Managing Media Digitization Workflows Conference Audio Download 2017
Dapuzzo, Andrew; Patrick Feaster Feeding the Beast: Preparing Recordings for Large-Scale Digitization Conference Audio Download 2017
Dapuzzo, Andrew; Patrick Feaster Feeding the Beast: Preparing Recordings for Large-Scale Digitization Conference Slides Download 2017
Obert-Thorn, Mark Unraveling the Mystery of Paderewski's Victor Discography Conference Slides Download 2017
Kunnelpurayidom, Sunny Mathew Saving for Posterity: The Story of a Rural Gramophone Museum and Recordings Archive in Kerala, India Conference Audio Download 2017
Chandvankar, Suresh Twenty-five Years of 'Collecting the Collectors' Conference Audio Download 2017
Šír, Filip Recorded Sound in Czech Lands, 1900-1946 Conference Audio Download 2017
Cubillos, Ruben; Henry Peña; Chris Varelas; Rae Cabello; Ben Bustillo Celebrating Mexican-American Music in Texas Conference Audio Download 2017
McGourty, Allison; John Tefteller Talk about American Epic Conference Audio Download 2017
Harrison, Hank The Mysterious Charles Kama Conference Audio Download 2017
Kline, Donna S. Olga Samaroff: Recording Pioneer Conference Audio Download 2017
Kline, Donna S. Olga Samaroff: Recording Pioneer (Questions & Answers) Conference Audio Download 2017
Harrison, Hank The Mysterious Charles Kama (Questions & Answers) Conference Audio Download 2017
Swiatlowski, Mathew 200 Sides for 200 Years: New World Records' Recorded Anthology of American Music and the U. S. Bicentennial Conference Audio Download 2017
Sykes, Charles E. The Black Forum Label: Motown Joins The Revolution Conference Audio Download 2017
Schwartz, Roberta Freund The Paradox of Papa Charlie Jackson: A Re-Evaluation of an Enigmatic Blues Man Conference Audio Download 2017
Blazek, Daniel Going Rogue: The Cost of Initiative and Crossing the Line for the Greater Good Conference Audio Download 2017
Darden, Robert F.; Darryl Stuhr; Eric Ames; Stephen Bolech The Black Gospel Music Restoration Project Conference Audio Download 2017
Brinegar, Terri The Negro Spiritual and the Recorded Sermon as Resistance to Uplift Theories of the 1920s-1930s Conference Audio Download 2017
Midtlyng, Patrick J. All the Cool Archives Are Doing It!: Surveying the Belfer Audio Archive Conference Audio Download 2017