Association for Recorded Sound Collections (ARSC)

ARSC Journal Index: Search Results

Author Title Resource  Type Access Volume Pages
Swiatlowski, Mathew 200 Sides for 200 Years: New World Records' Recorded Anthology of American Music and the U. S. Bicentennial Conference Audio Download 2017
Sykes, Charles E. The Black Forum Label: Motown Joins The Revolution Conference Audio Download 2017
Schwartz, Roberta Freund The Paradox of Papa Charlie Jackson: A Re-Evaluation of an Enigmatic Blues Man Conference Audio Download 2017
Blazek, Daniel Going Rogue: The Cost of Initiative and Crossing the Line for the Greater Good Conference Audio Download 2017
Darden, Robert F.; Darryl Stuhr; Eric Ames; Stephen Bolech The Black Gospel Music Restoration Project Conference Audio Download 2017
Brinegar, Terri The Negro Spiritual and the Recorded Sermon as Resistance to Uplift Theories of the 1920s-1930s Conference Audio Download 2017
Midtlyng, Patrick J. All the Cool Archives Are Doing It!: Surveying the Belfer Audio Archive Conference Audio Download 2017
Armstrong, Amy E.; Lauren Walker To Plan or to Implement? That is the Question! Conference Audio Download 2017
Armstrong, Amy E.; Lauren Walker To Plan or to Implement? That is the Question! Conference Slides Download 2017
Hunter, Caitlin; Nancy Lorimer Modeling Metadata for Sound Archives: Extending BIBFRAME for Archival Sound Resources Conference Audio Download 2017
McClanahan, Allison; Jeannine Roe Putting the Data Back in Metadata: Using Collector and Donor Knowledge to Keep Materials Safe Conference Audio Download 2017
McClanahan, Allison; Jeannine Roe Putting the Data Back in Metadata: Using Collector and Donor Knowledge to Keep Materials Safe Conference Slides Download 2017
Karlsberg, Jesse P.; Nathan K. Rees; Mark T. Godfrey; Robert A. W. Dunn "In Sweetest Union Join": Recovering, Identifying, and Sharing Historical Sacred Harp Recordings in Private Collections Conference Audio Download 2017
Galo, Gary A. Digital Phase Correctors and Stereophonic Recordings: To Phase Correct or Not to Phase Correct: That is the Question! Conference Audio Download 2017
Figurelli, Dan; Melissa Widzinski; Jonathan Richardson Where the Wild Things Are: Audio Oddities at Indiana University Conference Audio Download 2017
Prentice, Will Retaining Skills in Sound Archives Conference Audio Download 2017
Tefteller, John The Marx Brothers on Radio in the 1930's: Finding the Long-Lost Recordings Conference Audio Download 2017
Bondurant, John; Bailey, Greg “Let’s Get Acquainted, Folks!”: Texas A&M Forest Service Radio Broadcasts Collection, 1947-1959 Conference Audio Download 2017
Aguilar, Ernesto; Burke, Brandon; Cariani, Karen; Davis Kaufman, Casey; Schein, Allison; VanCour, Shawn Saving Radio History: Challenges and Opportunities in Radio Preservation Conference Audio Download 2017
Bal, Marcos Sueiro Of Stylus Sizes, Socrates, and Baby Seals: Perspectives on Digitization Conference Audio Download 2017
Ballow, Jennifer Preserving and Renewing the Recorded Legacy of Irv Teibel Conference Audio Download 2017
Smolian, Steve How Victor Herbert’s Recording Career Was Affected by His Edison Contract and Actions of Victor’s Executive Committee and How Our Understanding of the History of Recording is Expanded by this Fresh Look and New Data Conference Audio Download 2017
Brooks, Tim How to Deal with Copyright in the Age of Digital Scholarship Conference Audio Download 2017
Epperson, Bruce From the Statute of Anne to Z. Z. Top: The Strange Netherworld of Pre-1972 Sound Recordings, How it Came About, and Why it Will Never Go Away Conference Audio Download 2017
Becerra-Licha, Sofia The Berklee Oral History Project Conference Audio Download 2017