Association for Recorded Sound Collections (ARSC)

ARSC Journal Index: Search Results

Author Title Resource  Type Access Volume Pages
Marovich, Robert M. Shelby Jean Davis: From Barn Dance to Ballroom Conference Audio Download 2017
Chandler, Rebecca; Cordovez, Danielle; Dietrich, Maddie; Hunter, Caitlin; Nelson-Strauss, Brenda; Rodriguez, Sandy Changing the Tune: Women, Leadership, and Recorded Sound Conference Audio Download 2017
Brooks, Tim How to Deal with Copyright in the Age of Digital Scholarship Conference Slides Download 2017
Ballow, Jennifer Preserving and Renewing the Recorded Legacy of Irv Teibel Conference Slides Download 2017
Smolian, Steve The Records Victor Herbert Made and Made and Made Conference Audio Download 2017
Tribute to Lydia Mendoza Conference Audio Download 2017
Epperson, Bruce From the Statute of Anne to Z. Z. Top: The Strange Netherworld of Pre-1972 Sound Recordings, How it Came About, and Why it Will Never Go Away (Questions & Answers) Conference Audio Download 2017
Brooks, Tim How to Deal with Copyright in the Age of Digital Scholarship (Questions & Answers) Conference Audio Download 2017
Smolian, Steve How Victor Herbert’s Recording Career Was Affected by His Edison Contract: Q&A Conference Audio Download 2017
McGourty, Allison; John Tefteller Talk about American Epic (Questions & Answers) Conference Audio Download 2017
Brylawski, Sam; Maya Lerman; Robin Pike; Kathlin Smith ARSC Guide to Audio Preservation Guidelines Download
Diehl, David J.; David N. Lewis His Excellency: Dwight Fiske and the Birth of the Party Record Industry Journal Article Download 48:2[2017] 143-162
Leister, Wolfgang The London LP Curve: London LP Recording Characteristic and its Equalization in Playback Journal Article Download 48:2[2017] 163-172
San Martin, Brad; Steve Weiss People Have the Power: Crowdsourcing Cataloging of Sound Recordings Journal Article Download 48:2[2017] 173-183
Harbeson, Eric Copyright & Fair Use: Proposed Legislative Fixes for Pre-1972 Sound Recordings Journal Article Download 48:2[2017] 185-191
Justice, Andrew Book Reviews: "Sensing Sound: Singing and Listening as Vibrational Practice" by Nina Sun Eidsheim; "Keywords in Sound" edited by David Novak and Mat Sakakeeny; "Singing the Body Electric: The Human Voice and Sound Technology" by Miriama Young; "Sound: An Acoulogical Treatise" by Michel Chion; "Categorizing Sound: Genre and Twentieth-Century Popular Music" by David Brackett Journal Article Download 48:2  [2017] 192-197
Brooks, Tim Book Reviews: "The Edison Bell Record Company" by Frank Andrews and Bill Dean-Myatt Journal Article Download 48:2  [2017] 197-199
Peña, Carlos E. Book Reviews: "The Miles Davis Lost Quintet and Other Revolutionary Ensembles" by Bob Gluck Journal Article Download 48:2  [2017] 199-200
San Martin, Brad Book Reviews: "Better Git It in Your Soul: An Interpretive Biography of Charles Mingus" by Krin Gabbard Journal Article Download 48:2  [2017] 200-202
Fitzgerald, Michael Book Reviews: "Blue Rhythm Fantasy: Big Band Jazz Arranging in the Swing Era" by John Wriggle Journal Article Download 48:2  [2017] 202-205
Schulman, Lawrence Book Reviews: "The Great Jazz and Pop Vocal Albums" by Will Friedwald Journal Article Download 48:2  [2017] 205-206
Hazell, Ed Book Reviews: "The Boston Creative Jazz Scene, 1970–1983" by Mark Harvey Journal Article Download 48:2  [2017] 206-207
Rooney, Dennis D. Book Reviews: "Barbirolli: A Chronicle of a Career" by Raymond Holden Journal Article Download 48:2  [2017] 207-208
Rooney, Dennis D. Book Reviews: "Joseph Holbrooke: Composer, Critic and Musical Patriot" edited by Paul Watt and Anne-Marie Forbes; "The Music of Frank Bridge" by Fabian Huss Journal Article Download 48:2  [2017] 208-210
Galo, Gary A. Book Reviews: "Early 20th Century Opera Singers" by Nicholas E. Limansky Journal Article Download 48:2  [2017] 210-214