Association for Recorded Sound Collections (ARSC)

ARSC Journal Index: Search Results

Author Title Resource  Type Access Volume Pages
Šír, Filip Bohemia on Records: Mapping Early Sound Recordings of Czech Settlers in the USA Conference Audio Download 2019
Willard, Geoff; Franz Kunst Spyros Skouras Magnabelt Collection Conference Audio Download 2019
Brooks, Tim; Eric J. Harbeson; Brewster Kahle; Derek Fukumori The Music Modernization Act and You: Discussion and Celebration Conference Slides Download 2019
Jones, Randye A Century of Concert Spiritual Recordings: The Pioneers Conference Audio Download 2019
Jones, Randye A Century of Concert Spiritual Recordings: The Pioneers Conference Slides Download 2019
Smith, Chris Gospel Quartets in Wartime France: The Recordings of Paul Arma Conference Audio Download 2019
Chandvankar, Suresh Two Unusual and Rare 78s of Mahatma Gandhi Conference Audio Download 2019
Higgins, Peter Re-Presenting PBCore: New Resources for Audio Metadata Conference Audio Download 2019
Allen, Brendan; Traci Mark; Marti Clemmons; Erin Yanke XFR Collective & KBOO Community Radio: A Coast to Coast Collaboration Conference Audio Download 2019
Burke, Brandon Preserving NBC Radio Coverage of the Founding of the United Nations Conference Audio Download 2019
Chase, William; Susie Cummings All Discs Considered: Migrating NPR's Optical Media Archive Conference Audio Download 2019
Shein-Holmes, Allison Studs Terkel Radio Archive - Launched! Conference Audio Download 2019
Nunn, Paul Who is Gloria Chandler? NW Broadcast Queens 1950: Gloria Chandler and Dorothy Bullitt, or Gloria Chandler: Mother of American Children's Theater Conference Audio Download 2019
Tidal, Junior Flexi Discs: The Audio Format that Time Forgot and Remembered Again Conference Audio Download 2019
Tidal, Junior Flexi Discs: The Audio Format that Time Forgot and Remembered Again Conference Slides Download 2019
Levin, Thomas Y. The Origins of Epistolary Sound: French Audio Postcards (1905-1907) Conference Audio Download 2019
Ginell, Cary Concertizing Folk Music: The Roots of the Folk Music Revival Conference Audio Download 2019
Barton, Matthew The First Days of Disco Conference Audio Download 2019
Leary, James P. Scandihoovians, Schweitzers, and the Pacific Northwest at 78 rpms Conference Audio Download 2019
Berg, Jeremy Hidden Legacies: Issues in Preserving and Archiving Unofficial Live Recordings Conference Audio Download 2019
Lastra, Mike; Mark Stanley; Jerry Lang Portland's DIY Scene: The Punk Underground and Rock and Roll Conference Audio Download 2019
Corn, Manuel Systematic Inhouse Digitization of Legacy Media Archives: Case Study of Industrial Digitization Facilities Conference Audio Download 2019
Casey, Mike Media Preservation and Digitization Principles and Practices Conference Audio Download 2019
Holte, Rebecca Going All In: All Lossless All The Time, and Other Stories Conference Audio Download 2019
Holte, Rebecca Going All In: All Lossless All The Time, and Other Stories Conference Slides Download 2019