Association for Recorded Sound Collections (ARSC)

ARSC Journal Index: Search Results

Author Title Resource  Type Access Volume Pages
McClung, Bill Texas Label 78s: 25 Genres in 25 Minutes Conference Audio Download 2012
Midtlyng, Patrick; Jenny Doctor The Return of the Belfer Audio Archive Conference Audio Download 2012
Reilly, Jim; John-Louis Bigourdan From Media Stability Research to Sustainable Preservation Strategies Conference Audio Download 2012
Seay, Toby A Window of Opportunity: A Convergence of Styles, Performers and Technicians at Sigma Sound Studios Conference Audio Download 2012
Szymanski, Gerry Flour/Flower Power: Rochester's Music from Jenny Lind to George Eastman Conference Audio Download 2012
Weed, Joe From Pole-Cats to Cowboy Fiddlers: Following "Maiden's Prayer" in Music and Sound to Reveal the Sculpting of an American Sound Conference Audio Download 2012
Jessup, David From Discards to Discography: An Independent Perspective on Benny Goodman’s Career Conference Audio Download 2012
Moore, Ray; Victor Svorinich Moore on Moore: Reflections on the Studio Life, Columbia Records, 1957-1995 Journal Article Download 51:1  [2020] 1-23
Haim, Albert How and When Did “Bamboozlin’ the Bassoon” Become a Subtitle for Joe Venuti’s “Running Ragged”? The Connection Between Parlophone and OKeh Records Journal Article Download 51:1  [2020] 24-36
Folk-Farber, Kyra Copyright & Fair Use: The Music Modernization Act and its Impact on Access to Sound Recordings Journal Article Download 51:1  [2020] 37-41
Komara, Edward Book Reviews: "Das Bilderlexikon der Deutschen Schellack-Schallplatten" by Rainer E. Lotz with Michael Gunrem und Stephan Puille, edited by Ronald D. Cohen Journal Article Download 51:1  [2020] 42-49
Komara, Edward Book Reviews: "Becoming Elektra: The True Story of Jac Holzman’s Visionary Record Label" by Mick Houghton Journal Article Download 51:1  [2020] 49-51
Rooney, Dennis D. Book Reviews: "Maximum Volume: The Life of Beatles Producer George Martin: The Early Years, 1926-1966" by Kenneth Womack Journal Article Download 51:1  [2020] 51-52
Graham, Sandra Jean Book Reviews: "The Race of Sound: Listening, Time and Vocality in African American Music" by Nina Sun Eidsheim Journal Article Download 51:1  [2020] 52-54
Marovich, Robert M. Book Reviews: "The Original Blues: The Emergence of the Blues in African-American Vaudeville, 1899–1926" by Lynn Abbott and Doug Seroff Journal Article Download 51:1  [2020] 54-56
Marovich, Robert M. Book Reviews: "Move On Up: Chicago Soul Music and Black Cultural Power" by Aaron Cohen Journal Article Download 51:1  [2020] 56-57
Iannapollo, Robert Book Reviews: "Jazz from Detroit" by Mark Stryker Journal Article Download 51:1  [2020] 58-59
Iannapollo, Robert Book Reviews: "Creative Improvised Music: An International Bibliography of the Jazz Avant-
Garde, 1959–Present" by John Gray
Journal Article Download 51:1  [2020] 60-62
Komara, Edward Book Reviews: "The Rolling Stones in Concert, 1962-1982: A Show-by-Show History" by Ian M. Rusten Journal Article Download 51:1  [2020] 60-62
Haley, John H. Book Reviews: "Lament from Epirus: An Odyssey into Europe’s Oldest Surviving Folk Music" by Christopher C. King Journal Article Download 51:1  [2020] 62-65
Rooney, Dennis D. Book Reviews: "Duet with the Past: A Composer’s Memoir" by Daron Hagen Journal Article Download 51:1  [2020] 65-66
Chapman, W. Robert Book Reviews: "The North Carolina Symphony: A History" by Joe A. Mobley and John W. Lambert Journal Article Download 51:1  [2020] 66-68
Book Reviewers Journal Article Download 51:1  [2020] 68-69
Books Received Journal Article Download 51:1  [2020] 69-70
Fisher, James Sound Recording Reviews: Al Jolson: The Decca Years 1945-1950 (Sepia Records 1343) (3 CDs); Al Jolson: The Kraft Music Hall Years 1947-1949 (Sepia Records 1349) (3 CDs) Journal Article Download 51:1  [2020] 71-74