Association for Recorded Sound Collections (ARSC)

ARSC Journal Index: Search Results

Author Title Resource  Type Access Volume Pages
Williams, Martin Stalking the Original Cast: Adventures in the Record Archives Conference Audio Download 1981
Fabrizio, Timothy C. The Talking Machine Companies of Chicago Conference Audio Download 1980
Gibson, Gerald D.; Tom Packard; Richard Burns; Fred Granger; William D. Storm; Archival Preservation and Duplication of Sound Recordings, Part 1 Conference Audio Download 1980
Gibson, Gerald D.; Tom Packard; Richard Burns; Fred Granger; William D. Storm; Archival Preservation and Duplication of Sound Recordings, Part 2 Conference Audio Download 1980
Hesbecher, Peter Some Issues in Popular Music Research Conference Audio Download 1980
Jasen, David Ragtime Discography: Its History and Evolution Conference Audio Download 1980
David Jasen; Gerald Parker; J.R. Taylor, LP Reissue of Early Recordings: Problems and Possibilities Conference Audio Download 1980
Moodie, Lois Contemporary Canadian Jazz on Record Conference Audio Download 1980
Smolian, Steve Toward a Discography of the New York Philharmonic Orchestra Conference Audio Download 1980
Spottswood, Richard K. Progress Report on a General Discography of Ethnic Music in America Conference Audio Download 1980
Wile, Raymond R. Minding Their (C)'s and (P)'s: The Attempts of The Sound Recording Industry to Protect Itself Against Unauthorized Copying Conference Audio Download 1980
Wile, Raymond R. Tribute to Ed Moogk Conference Audio Download 1980
Williams, Fred, et. al. Pricing, Buying and Selling Vintage Recordings Conference Audio Download 1980
Fargo, Milford; Cecil Arden An Hour with Cecil Arden: Live and on Edison Discs Conference Audio Download 1979
Debus, Allen G. Pride and Prejudice, or the Decline and Fall of Collins and Harlen Conference Audio Download 1979
Dick, Ernest; Dido Mendl; George Jamieson Use of Audio Archives in Contemporary Network Radio Programming Conference Audio Download 1980
Biel, Michael The Raydophonic Broadcast Recordings of the Thomas Alva Edison Company Conference Audio Download 1983
Gibson, Gerald D.; Elwood McKee AAA - A 1982-1983 Update Conference Audio Download 1983
Harper, Jack American Music, Politics, and Public Opinion Conference Audio Download 1983
Schurk, William L. A History of "Party" Records Conference Audio Download 1983
Spear, Louise; Frank J. Gillis; Anthony Seeger; Carl Fleishhauer Field Recordings - A Seminar, Part 1 Conference Audio Download 1983
Spear, Louise; Frank J. Gillis; Anthony Seeger; Carl Fleishhauer Field Recordings - A Seminar, Part 2 Conference Audio Download 1983
Fargo, Milford I Remember Alec, Part 1 Conference Audio Download 1983
Fargo, Milford I Remember Alec, Part 2 Conference Audio Download 1983
Williams, Martin The Piano Music of Jelly Roll Morton Conference Audio Download 1983