Association for Recorded Sound Collections (ARSC)

ARSC Journal Index: Search Results

Author Title Resource  Type Access Volume Pages
O'Brien, Robert J. The First Trace: The Marlowe and Sothern Recordings of the Balcony Scene from "Romeo and Juliet" Conference Audio Download 1985
Price, Paul The Inner Workings of the Early 20th-Century Dance Orchestra Conference Audio Download 1985
Roads, Christopher Archival Policies and Strategies of the British National Sound Archive Conference Audio Download 1985
Sefl, Al Replacing the Core in Blue Amberol Cylinder Records Conference Audio Download 1985
Stickells, Lloyd Digital! Digital Recording in the British national Sound Archive Conference Audio Download 1985
Brock-Nannestad, George The Victor Talking Machine Company Recording Technology, 1904-1929, as Reflected in the Working Agreements with the Gramophone Company (London) Ltd. Conference Audio Download 1986
Beardsley, Theodore S., Jr. Enric Madriguera (1902-1973): Pseudonyms and Anonymous Collaborations Conference Audio Download 1986
Chichester, Don The Spirit of "78" Conference Audio Download 1986
Darrell, R. D. O Pioneer! (A Half Century Later) Conference Audio Download 1986
Deutsch, Werner Developments in Digital Signal Processing for Historic Recordings Conference Audio Download 1986
Ebersman, Vivian Technology Session: Compact Disc ROM Conference Audio Download 1986
Fierro, Arthur The Toscanini Archives Conference Audio Download 1986
Gibson, Gerald D. Technology Session: What's New at the Library of Congress Conference Audio Download 1986
Gibson, Gerald D.; Barbara Sawka; Elwood A. McKee A Report on the Associated Audio Archives Conference Audio Download 1986
Granger, Frederick Technology Session: Asakura Laser Restoration System for Cylinders Conference Audio Download 1986
Gray, Michael; Peter Munves; Alison Ames; Keith Hardwick; Gerald Plano Archival Holdings and Reissues Panel, Part 1 Conference Audio Download 1986
Gray, Michael; Peter Munves; Alison Ames; Keith Hardwick; Gerald Plano Archival Holdings and Reissues Panel, Part 2 Conference Audio Download 1986
Hagen, Carlos B. Latin-American and Hispanic Song Conference Audio Download 1986
Levin, Walter String Quartet Recordings from the Viewpoint of One Who Makes Them Conference Audio Download 1986
Mohr, Richard Recording Opera in New York and Rome (with guests Anna Moffo, Rise Stevens, Robert Merrill) Conference Audio Download 1986
Owen, Tom Forensic Audio Conference Audio Download 1986
Pengelly, Joe The Cylinders of Henri Lioret - Fi If Not Hi Before 1900 Conference Audio Download 1986
Porter, Andrew Keynote Address: Andrew Porter of The New Yorker Conference Audio Download 1986
Roach, Helen Spoken Records: Their Emergence as a Cultural Factor in Our Time Conference Audio Download 1986
Schurk, William L. A Report on Bowling Green University's NEH Grant for its Sound Recording Archive Conference Audio Download 1986