Association for Recorded Sound Collections (ARSC)

ARSC Journal Index: Search Results

Author Title Resource  Type Access Volume Pages
Jones, Randye A Century of Concert Spiritual Recordings: The Pioneers Conference Video Download 2019
Kahle, Brewster; Derek Fukumori; George Blood How to Leverage Mass Digitization Audio Projects Conference Video Download 2019
Kirt, Alex; Jon Pluskota How Archiving Challenges of the Past Can Be Used to Shape Future Approaches Conference Video Download 2019
Leary, James P. Scandihoovians, Schweitzers, and the Pacific Northwest at 78 rpms Conference Video Download 2019
Lerman, Maya Surveying Archival Yiddish Audio Collections: A Treasure of Yiddish Songs and Stories Conference Video Download 2019
Levin, Thomas Y. The Origins of Epistolary Sound: French Audio Postcards (1905-1907) Conference Video Download 2019
Moon, Jocelyn "My Friend, We Couldn't Sleep": The Life of Recorded Music After Repatriation Conference Video Download 2019
Rodríguez, Eva Moreda Inventing the Recording in 1900 Spain: The Era of the Gabinetes Fonográficos Conference Video Download 2019
Novack, David Digital Media and Materiality in Indonesian Popular Music Archives Conference Video Download 2019
Nunn, Paul Who is Gloria Chandler? NW Broadcast Queens 1950: Gloria Chandler and Dorothy Bullitt, or Gloria Chandler: Mother of American Children's Theater Conference Video Download 2019
Palm, Carl Magnus ABBA - The Complete Recording Sessions: How It was Researched and Written Conference Video Download 2019
Shein-Holmes, Allison Studs Terkel Radio Archive - Launched! Conference Video Download 2019
Schwartz, Roberta Freund The Honeydripper as Chameleon: The Many Faces of Roosevelt Sykes Conference Video Download 2019
Sewald, Ronda Phil Moore: Portland’s Forgotten Groomer of the Stars and Musical Genius Conference Video Download 2019
Seymour, Carol Portland's Native Son Mel Blanc: "Wascally Wabbit" Making "Wecords" Conference Video Download 2019
Šír, Filip Bohemia on Records: Mapping Early Sound Recordings of Czech Settlers in the USA Conference Video Download 2019
Smith, Chris Gospel Quartets in Wartime France: The Recordings of Paul Arma Conference Video Download 2019
Smolian, Steve; Tim Brooks; Les Gerber The First Black-Owned Recording Ventures Reissued: Black Swans Conference Video Download 2019
Tefteller, John Laurel and Hardy on the Radio: Rare and Well Done Conference Video Download 2019
Tidal, Junior Flexi Discs: The Audio Format that Time Forgot and Remembered Again Conference Video Download 2019
VanCour, Shawn; Chloe Patton Saying It With Songfilms: Vallée Video and the Market for SmallScreen Musical Shorts,
Conference Video Download 2019
Volk, Jonah; Sean Quimby; Ari Swartz; Conner Maddern Bob Fass and Radio Unnameable: Saving NY's Radical Radio History Conference Video Download 2019
Widzinski, Melissa; Dan Figurelli; Jonathan Richardson A Methodology for Preserving the Content on Lacquer Discs Conference Video Download 2019
Chandvankar, Suresh Remembering Australian Discographer Michael Kinnear Conference Video Download 2020
Meyer, Andreas K.; Jennifer Nulsen "Can You Please Make That More Blue Sounding?": The Semantics of Reissue Mastering while Remaining Truthful to the Original Bruno Walter Stereo Recordings Conference Video Download 2020