Association for Recorded Sound Collections (ARSC)

ARSC Journal Index: Search Results

Author Title Resource  Type Access Volume Pages
Feustle, Maristella The Houston-Stockholm Pipeline: One Attorney's Passion for Duke Ellington's Music, and a Texas Treasury of Swedish Concerts Conference Video Download 2021
Galo, Gary A. Transferring PCM-F1 Digital Audio Tapes Conference Video Download 2021
MacAyeal, Greg Glenn Branca and Josh Baer's Neutral: Noise Rock Finds a Home Conference Video Download 2021
McCartney, Leslie Preserving the Unangax? (Alaska Aleut) Cuttlefish Project Recordings Conference Video Download 2021
McKinney, Jahra Michelle Digitizing Hidden Audio-Visual Collections: Impacting Community by Restoring Music Accessibility in Detroit Conference Video Download 2021
Mejzr, Martin: Michal Studničný; Filip Šír New Records Now In Stock! The Beginnings of the Czech Phonograph Market After 1900, Focusing on Selected Prague Retailers Conference Video Download 2021
Giovannoni, David Making a Private Collection Public: i78s Conference Video Download 2021
Graves, Tressa; Ariel Bacon; Annmarie C. Klose Processing Sound Collections through Virtual Collaboration Conference Video Download 2021
Harvey, Todd Gearheads of the 1930s: The Library of Congress, the Lomaxes, and their Recording Machines Conference Video Download 2021
Hollyman, Mary "Beauty Reflected in Sound": Broadcasting Gender Through WHER, the First All-Women Radio Station in the United States Conference Video Download 2021
Hubbles, Chris Shazam in the Archive Conference Video Download 2021
Levin, John; Don Wilson How Moldy Are Those Oldies? Conference Video Download 2021
Risk, Laura; Virginie Laliberté Bouchard; Tyler Hastings; Sher Yao The Fonds Jean Trudel: Digitizing and Disseminating Archival Field Recordings of Traditional Music from Quebec Conference Video Download 2021
Schwartz, Roberta Freund The Boogie-Woogie Blues Conference Video Download 2021
Schwartz, Roberta Freund ARSC Awards Program Conference Video Download 2021
Seelen, Nat Doina: The Reinvention of Improvisation in Post-Revitalization Klezmer Music Conference Video Download 2021
Seligman, Mark; Ettore Botta Voice Restoration via Advanced Voice Synthesis Conference Video Download 2021
Stewart, James R., Jr. "Hello Children Are You Listening?" Digital Collections and Finding Histories of Children's Radio in the Earliest Days of American Radio Conference Video Download 2021
Suk, Jihoon Korea on Record: Korea's First Encounter with Sound Recordings, 1889-1906 Conference Video Download 2021
Ask the Technical Committee Conference Video Download 2021
Szabó, Ferenc János Sound Recordings of the 34th World Eucharistic Congress (Budapest, 1938) Conference Video Download 2021
Walter, Skip; David Katznelson Notes from The League of Young Musicologists Conference Video Download 2021
Winner, Seth B. A Tribute to WNYC Producer Marvin Laskowitz; A Tribute to Anthony V. Paterno - The Other Toscanini Collection Conference Video Download 2021
Zicos, Lucia Recorded Sound and Performance Practices of Verdi's Il Trovatore Conference Video Download 2021
Thompson, Jessica; Seth B. Winner; Richard Martin; Byran Hoffa Pre-Conference Workshop: Digital Restoration in the 21st Century Conference Video Download 2021