Association for Recorded Sound Collections (ARSC)

ARSC Journal Index: Search Results

Author Title Resource  Type Access Volume Pages
Cantor, Mark Jazz and Blues on Film: Sound Restoration from a Smaller Archive Conference Video Download 2016
Casey, Mike; Andrew Dapuzzo Media Preservation at Scale: the Indiana University Media Digitization and Preservation Initiative Conference Video Download 2016
Chandler, Rebecca Exactly: A New Tool for Born-Digital Acquisitions Conference Video Download 2016
Prentice, Will; Brett Declercq National Collaborative Approaches to Large-Scale Media Digitization: Flemmish National Audiovisual Archives Conference Video Download 2016
de Smet, Tom Completing Large-Scale Digitization Projects: Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision Conference Video Download 2016
Martin, Richard; Meagan Hennessey; Michael Devecka Audio Detectives at Ocean Grove: Identifying Field Recordings from the 1897 Camp Meeting Conference Video Download 2016
Doggett, Bill Rock ‘n’ Roll @ 60: Race & Music & Message at the Dawn of the Civil Rights Movement Conference Video Download 2016
Egloff, Nora Echoes in the Concert Hall: Digital Preservation of the Leonard Bernstein Oral History Collection Conference Video Download 2016
Feustle, Maristella History Recovered: The Willis Conover Interviews in the UNT Music Library Conference Video Download 2016
Fosler-Lussier, Danielle America’s Record Collection: The United States Information Agency and American Music Abroad Conference Video Download 2016
Heighway, David; Bob Foster Are You Ready, Hezzie? The Hoosier Hot Shots and Their Influence Conference Video Download 2016
Ginell, Cary Makin' a Case for Carson: Is Carson Robison the Father of Modern Country Music? Conference Video Download 2016
Green, Richard 20 Years (more or less) of the Virtual Gramophone Conference Video Download 2016
Herzig, Monika; David Williams The Jazz Legacy of Indiana Avenue Conference Video Download 2016
Hess, Richard L. Azimuth Investigations Conference Video Download 2016
Stropes, John; Benjamin Kammin; Josh Lane The Music of Leo Kottke: Mining the Archives to Develop Pedagogical Materials Conference Video Download 2016
Kuhnle, Peter Digital De-emphasis Filters in Gramophone Recording Digitization Conference Video Download 2016
Lacinak, Chris Making It Happen: Planning, Funding and Implementing Large-Scale Digitization Initiatives Conference Video Download 2016
Laurence, Peter; Filip Šir Creating an International Bibliography of Discographies: A Worldwide Collaborative Project Initiated by the IASA Discography Committee Conference Video Download 2016
Lerman, Maya From the Field to the Public: Preserving and Presenting World Folk Music Conference Video Download 2016
Lewis, David N. Have You Forgotten God? Homer Rodeheaver’s Special Label and Other Extracurricular Activities Conference Video Download 2016
Lobdell, Lisa; Phillip Ponella You Don’t Have to Kiss Me Goodnight: The Pros and Cons of Collaboration Among Sound Archives Conference Video Download 2016
Makowski, Jenna Ethnographic Sound Archives Online: A Historic Primary Source Digitization Initiative Conference Video Download 2016
McCoy, Brad; Eric Monroe Audio Cylinders: An Update on Science Research and Preservation Work at the Library of Congress Conference Video Download 2016
Meyer, Andreas K. Vladimir Horowitz: The Unreleased Live Recordings, 1966-1983 Conference Video Download 2016