Association for Recorded Sound Collections (ARSC)

ARSC Journal Index: Search Results

Author Title Resource  Type Access Volume Pages
Napert, Diane Indiana Native Cole Porter: The Yale Connection Conference Video Download 2016
O'Brien, Robert J. Shakespeare’s Sonnets with Added Music Conference Video Download 2016
Pease, Thomas Sequence and Navigation for Building Structures and Describing the Contents of Digital Audio Conference Video Download 2016
Porterfield, Nolan Early Home Recorders: The Role of Tape Respondents International Conference Video Download 2016
Prentice, Will National Collaborative Approaches to Large-Scale Media Digitization: The British Library Conference Video Download 2016
Sapoznik, Henry In the Beginning...: The 1901 Yiddish Lambert Cylinders and the First Sounds of Yiddish Popular Music Conference Video Download 2016
Schwartz, Roberta Freund Mama Do That Rag: the Rag in the Early Recorded Blues Conference Video Download 2016
Šír, Filip; Iva Harova Checking Out Czech Records: A Model Gateway for Sound Documents or Just a Portal? Conference Video Download 2016
Smolian, Steve Victor Herbert, the Law, and the Evolution of the Talking Machine Industry Conference Video Download 2016
Swiatlowski, Mathew False Sounds, Fraudulent Materiality: Late-Twentieth Century Listening Practices and the Curious Case of Tax Scam Record Labels Conference Video Download 2016
Toni, Flávia Camargo A Song for Lorenzo Dow Turner, from Mario Conference Video Download 2016
Walker, Dave Five Decades of Folklife on Record: Documenting and Preserving the Smithsonian Folklife Festival Conference Video Download 2016
Alyea, Peter The IRENE System Conference Video Download 2015
Barton, Matthew Hollywood Two-Step: How Bob Wills and His Friends Made Westerns Swing Conference Video Download 2015
Blazek, Daniel When the Cat’s Away: Woody & Groucho in The Tonight Show Seat – July 1964 Conference Video Download 2015
Blood, George You Know You Want It: An Introduction to Quality Control, Assurance, & Testing Conference Video Download 2015
Brooks, Tim Copyright Update Conference Video Download 2015
Brylawski, Sam ARSC Leads the Way: Fulfilling the Recommendations of the National Recording Plan Conference Video Download 2015
Burke, Brandon; James Sam If Radio’s Gonna Stay: Leveraging Collaboration to Manage, Preserve, & Provide Access to the Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty Records at the Hoover Institution Archives Conference Video Download 2015
Casey, Mike; Rebecca Chandler; Patrick Feaster New Developments & Applications for Surveying & Inventorying Collections Conference Video Download 2015
Chandler, Rebecca Quantifying the Need: A Survey of Existing Sound Recordings in Collections in U.S. Conference Video Download 2015
Chase, William Agile Approaches to Audio Preservation Conference Video Download 2015
Davis, Casey E.; Karen Cariani, Josh Shepperd, Chuck Howell National Initiatives Collaborate: Radio Preservation Task Force & The American Archive of Public Broadcasting Conference Video Download 2015
Dunlap, Hunter; Roderick Sharpe Digital Archiving of Concert Performances: Open-Source Solution Conference Video Download 2015
Epperson, Bruce Systematic Discography at Forty: What Are the Chances For a Replacement? Conference Video Download 2015