Association for Recorded Sound Collections (ARSC)

ARSC Journal Index: Search Results

Author Title Resource  Type Access Volume Pages
Tempio, Mattie All Your Files Are Exactly Where You Left Them: Preserving Computer Music Performance Software Conference Video Download 2023
Meyer, Andreas Concept, Continents, Consumer - The Rediscovered Recordings of José Iturbi Conference Video Download 2023
Lewis, David N. A Field Guide to Cincinnati-based Record Manufacturers Conference Video Download 2023
Ginell, Cary Thurlow Lieurance and “By the Waters of Minnetonka” Conference Video Download 2023
Murray, Nick Snoring Records and Marriage Proposals: An Investigation into the Uses of Edison Home Recording Conference Video Download 2023
Szabó, Ferenc János The 1928 HMV Gramophone Record Series of Hungarian Music Conference Video Download 2023
Schwartz, Roberta Freund How Long, How Long: The Recorded Legacy of Leroy Carr Conference Video Download 2023
Nagoski, Ian Zabelle Panosian’s Armenian-American Columbia Recordings 1917-18 Conference Video Download 2023
Jones, Randye Harry T. Burleigh: Early Spirituals Recordings Conference Video Download 2023
Giovannoni, David; Sophie Abramowitz; Ryan Barna; Patrick Feaster; Regan Sommer McCoy A Conversation with the Winners of ARSC’s Independent Initiatives Award: Advancing the
Field One Passion Project at a Time
Conference Video Download 2023
McCoy, Regan Sommer; Martha Diaz; Paradise Gray; Ricky Parker HIP HOP 50: Celebrating the Golden Anniversary of Hip Hop Conference Video Download 2023
Aaron Bittel; Cary Ginell; Franklin Fantini; Diane Napert; Amy Strickland; John Levin; Seth Winner; Allie da Silva Srulowitz; David R. Lewis; Hugh Paterson III; Curtis Peoples
ARSC Workshop: Collecting 101 Conference Video Download 2023
Schuster, Bob Maintaining Vintage Analog Audio Equipment in a Digital Age Chapter Video Download 2019
Feaster, Patrick; Yuri Shimoda; Dan Hockstein So You Want to Give a Presentation: A Walkthrough from Proposal to Podium Webinar Video Download 2022
San Martin, Brad The Apollo Theater Archives: 5 Years In Conference Video Download 2023
Lewis, David R. Filking Around: Community-Centered Preservation with Fan Music Communities Conference Video Download 2023
Bruder, Jay Discovering and Writing R&B in D.C. 1940-1960 Conference Video Download 2023
Philips Representative Compact Disc ROM Conference Audio Download 1986
Winner, Seth B. A Tribute to Edward J. Smith? Conference Audio Download 1988
Gillaspie, Deborah L. The Jazz That Made Milwaukee Famous: Newly Digitized Tapes from the
John Steiner Collection at the Chicago Jazz Library
Conference Audio Download 2007
Rooney, Dennis D. 1957: An Audio Necrology of the Varied and Important Musical Figures Lost During That Year Conference Audio Download 2007
Bradshaw, Harry The Golden Age of Irish Music Recording Conference Audio Download 2007
Cover, Table of Contents, Inside Front Cover Journal Article Download 54:2  [Fall  2023] 0
King, Christopher C. Letter from the Editor Journal Article Download 54:2  [Fall  2023] 197
Kinnear, Michael The Gramophone Company, Ltd.’s Chief Recording Experts, Theodor Heinrich Max Hampe and Arthur Spottiswoode Clarke in India and Asia: 1910-1915 Journal Article Download 54:2  [Fall  2023] 198-213