Association for Recorded Sound Collections (ARSC)

ARSC Journal Index: Search Results

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Author Title Resource  Type Access Volume Pages
O'Neal, Jim 12th Street & Vine: Kansas City Blues Conference Slides Download 2013
O'Neal, Jim 12th Street & Vine: Kansas City Blues Conference Audio Download 2013
O'Neal, Jim 12th Street & Vine: Kansas City Blues Conference Video Download 2013
Rooney, Dennis D. 1957: An Audio Necrology of the Varied and Important Musical Figures Lost During That Year Conference Audio Download 2007
Rooney, Dennis D. 1959: The First Full Year of the Stereo LP Conference Audio Download 2009
Green, Richard 20 Years (more or less) of the Virtual Gramophone Conference Audio Download 2016
Green, Richard 20 Years (more or less) of the Virtual Gramophone Conference Video Download 2016
Green, Richard 20 Years (more or less) of the Virtual Gramophone: Q&A Conference Audio Download 2016
Swiatlowski, Mathew 200 Sides for 200 Years: New World Records' Recorded Anthology of American Music and the U. S. Bicentennial Conference Audio Download 2017
Swiatlowski, Mathew 200 Sides for 200 Years: New World Records' Recorded Anthology of American Music and the U. S. Bicentennial Conference Video Download 2017
Doctor, Jenny 21st Century Archiving of Institutions’ Audio Treasures: Proposing an ARSC Support Group for Institutional Repositories Conference Audio Download 2014
Doctor, Jenny 21st Century Archiving of Institutions’ Audio Treasures: Proposing an ARSC Support Group for Institutional Repositories Conference Video Download 2014
Alyea, Peter 3D IRENE: Groove Imaging in the Third Dimension Conference Audio Download 2009
Epperson, Bruce " . . . .6 Seconds loud, undifferentiated noise [recording ends]": A History of Cockpit Recording in Transport Safety Journal Article Download 50:1  [2019] 79-97
Hirsch, Peter 80000 LPs times 1122 miles: The Wilson Processing Project & OCLC take on NYPL’s Uncataloged Vinyl Conference Audio Download 2006
Steiner, John A (Personal) History of Paramount Records Conference Audio Download 1999
Lornell, Christopher (Kip); Ted Mealor A & R men and the geography of Piedmont blues recordings from 1924-1941 Journal Article Download 26:1  [Spring  1995] 1-22 
Murray, Kate; Jessica Sims A Brave New World at the National Archives Conference Audio Download 2009
Johnson, Greg A Brief Introduction to the Sheldon Harris Blues Collection Conference Audio Download 2005
Brooks, Tim A Bus Ride in Cleveland: ARSC's Twenty-Year Fight for Copyright Reform Journal Article Download 52:3  [Winter  2021] 536-546
Jones, Randye A Century of Concert Spiritual Recordings: The Pioneers Conference Audio Download 2019
Jones, Randye A Century of Concert Spiritual Recordings: The Pioneers Conference Slides Download 2019
Jones, Randye A Century of Concert Spiritual Recordings: The Pioneers Conference Video Download 2019
Gray, Michael A Classical Discography - Ten Years Later Conference Audio Download 2019
Giovannoni, David; Rebecca Feynberg, John Levin, Nicholas Bergh A Classical Discography - Ten Years Later Conference Video Download 2019