Association for Recorded Sound Collections (ARSC)

ARSC Journal Index: Search Results

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Author Title Resource  Type Access Volume Pages
Creegan, George C. Ziegfield and His Follies Conference Audio Download 1984
Nagoski, Ian Zabelle Panosian’s Armenian-American Columbia Recordings 1917-18 Conference Video Download 2023
Blood, George You Know You Want It: An Introduction to Quality Control, Assurance, & Testing Conference Audio Download 2015
Blood, George You Know You Want It: An Introduction to Quality Control, Assurance, & Testing Conference Video Download 2015
Lobdell, Lisa; Phillip Ponella You Don’t Have to Kiss Me Goodnight: The Pros and Cons of Collaboration Among Sound Archives: Q&A Conference Audio Download 2016
Lobdell, Lisa; Phillip Ponella You Don’t Have to Kiss Me Goodnight: The Pros and Cons of Collaboration Among Sound Archives Conference Audio Download 2016
Lobdell, Lisa; Phillip Ponella You Don’t Have to Kiss Me Goodnight: The Pros and Cons of Collaboration Among Sound Archives Conference Video Download 2016
Pipe, Melissa You Build It, They Will Come: Audiovisual Archives’ Partners in Teaching, Learning and Research (Questions & Answers) Conference Audio Download 2018
Pipe, Melissa You Build It, They Will Come: Audiovisual Archives’ Partners in Teaching, Learning and Research Conference Audio Download 2018
Pipe, Melissa You Build It, They Will Come: Audiovisual Archives’ Partners in Teaching, Learning and Research Conference Slides Download 2018
Pipe, Melissa You Build It, They Will Come: Audiovisual Archives’ Partners in Teaching, Learning and Research Conference Video Download 2018
Epperson, Bruce Yes, There is Such a Thing as Sound Culture Studies, and We Really Should Care Journal Article Download 52:1  [Spring  2021] 83-91
Allen, Brendan; Traci Mark; Marti Clemmons; Erin Yanke XFR Collective & KBOO Community Radio: A Coast to Coast Collaboration Conference Audio Download 2019
Allen, Brendan; Traci Mark; Marti Clemmons; Erin Yanke XFR Collective & KBOO Community Radio: A Coast to Coast Collaboration Conference Video Download 2019
Gaidmore, Jay WRVA Radio: The "Voice of Virginia" Conference Audio Download 2005
Burke, Brandon Wreck Up a Version: King Tubby, Dub Reggae, and the Roots of Sampling Conference Audio Download 2007
Carlin, Richard; Atesh Sonneborn; Andrea Kalin Worlds of Sound: The Story of Smithsonian Folkways Conference Audio Download 2009
Biel, Leah World Premiere of For the Record Conference Audio Download 2009
McStay, Cary; Timothy Naftali; Mark Sgambettera Working in the White House Conference Audio Download 2011
McStay, Cary; Timothy Naftali; Mark Sgambettera Working in the White House Conference Video Download 2011
Brooks, Tim Willie Robyn. II. Journal Article Download 23:2  [Fall  1992] 178-227 
Brooks, Tim Willie Robyn: A Recording Artist in the 1920's. Journal Article Download 23:1  [Spring  1992] 35-59
Galo, Gary A. Wilhelm Furtwängler's 1950 La Scala Ring and the Question of Alternative Performances Conference Video Download 2019
Casey, Mike Why Analog Playback is Critical for Successful Audio Preservation Conference Audio Download 2008
Brinegar, Terri Whoopin', Shoutin', and Singin': The African American Sermonette at the Crossroads of Class and Race in the 1920s Conference Audio Download 2016