The Association for Recorded Sound Collections |
ARSC accept advertising for goods and services of interest to members of ARSC, and encourages advertising as a means to inform readers about products and services and to foster product communication between vendor and buyer. ARSC adheres to all ethical and commonly accepted advertising practices and will ensure that its practices conform to Association policy. Editors of ARSC publications reserve the right to reject any advertising deemed not relevant of consistent with the above or to the aims and policies of ARSC.
For publisher typesetting of ad material, add $20.00 (text only, no logos or illustrations).
Inserts: A postcard or pre-folded sheet supplied by the advertiser may be inserted in the Journal for $150.00 per insertion.
Max. size: 8 1/2" x 4" double fold; 8 1/2" x 3" triple fold
Classifieds: The ARSC Newsletter accepts classified advertising at the rate of 30 cents per word, prepaid, with a 22 word minimum. Name, address, and one phone number equals six words. Additional phone numbers and e-mail addresses equals one word.
Camera-ready copy is due:
Typesetting: For publisher typesetting of ad material (text only, no logos or illustrations), allow two extra weeks.
The Membership Directory is published as a PDF every year. Contact the Advertising Manager for information on the upcoming publication schedule for the Directory.
Prepaid classified ads are due:
The ARSC Journal is a perfect bound book 6" wide x 9" tall. It has half-inch margins, which makes the live area 5" wide x 8" tall.
Acceptable copy formats: If on disk, QuarkXpress on Mac preferable. Pagemaker for Mac is next best, but either program on a PC disk acceptable. Include all fonts on the disk, or printer will default to its version of your font or to a similar font, and copy may wrap differently. Most popular word processing programs can be converted. Include hard copy with disk! Mounted, camera-ready copy, negative, right reading, emulsion-down preferred. Halftone screens up to 133 lines may be used. Typewritten copy (text only, no logos or illustrations) to be typeset by the publisher for a $20.00 additional fee.
The Membership Directory is a perfect bound book 6" wide x 9" tall. It has half-inch margins, which makes the live area 5" wide x 8" tall.
Acceptable copy formats: Contact the Advertising Manager for acceptable copy formats.
The ARSC Newsletter is 8 1/2" x 11" folded and stapled. It has It has half-inch margins, headers, and footers which makes the live area 7 ½" wide x 9 ½" tall.
Acceptable copy formats: PDF, TIFF, JPG or MS Publisher files are accepted via email. Image files should be sized to the above dimensions and should be at least 300DPI. Typewritten or copy (text only, no logos or illustrations) to be typeset by the publisher for a $20.00 additional fee. Hard copy can be mailed to the advertising manager and scanned for a $20.00 additional fee.
All advertising is subject to editorial approval.
Telephone orders must be confirmed in writing.
Artwork will be disposed of six months after publication unless return is specified.
Contracts and individual insertions may be cancelled up through the closing date for the issue; ads cancelled after this date will be billed at the regular space rate.
To arrange advertising in any ARSC publication, please contact ARSC's Executive Director.